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Based on the Divine Principle book that is the main teaching of the Holy Spirit Association for the Unification of Worldwide Christianity (HSA-UWC, otherwise known as Unification Church), followers of Sun Myung Moon believe the fall of man to have taken place in two stages. The first stage was the spiritual fall, which was an illicit spiritual relationship between the archangel Lucifer and Eve. The second stage was the physical fall, which was a premature sexual relationship between Eve and Adam.
Here i am going to explain in more detail what the spiritual fall exactly means. Understanding of both the spiritual and the physical fall is rather limited for many followers of Moon. They tend to see the spiritual fall as a kind of unusual relationship that could hardly happen to them, and they see the physical fall mainly or even exclusively as a physical sexual relationship that could only take place between people who are not married or blessed under God.
The truth is that the spiritual fall is very widespread among most people, and that the physical fall entails more than just an illegitimate sexual relationship.
What is spiritual fall?
Spiritual fall can be seen as any give and take between two spirits that is not centered on God. There are many degrees of spiritual fall. A full spiritual fall would mean a full spiritual union between two spirits not centered on God. But spiritual fall can also take place when there is not yet a full union of spirits.
Why do i speak about spirits here and what do i mean with that? Spiritual fall can take place between spirits dwelling in the spirit world. It can however also take place between a spirit dwelling in a body in the physical world and a spirit in spirit world. And it can even take place between two spirits who are both living in their bodies in the physical world.
The essence of the fall, wether spiritual or physical, always is a sharing of love that is not centered on God. You are calling that love 'false love' distinguishing it from 'true love' which is God's love.
Do you realize that if you make friendship with another person who is egoistic, you exchange love with that person? Through the exchange of false love selfish elements are transfered from one person to the other. These selfish elements don't come from God and they make trouble to your spiritual life.
There are many degrees of spiritual fall. All spiritual fall starts with what i would call 'internal fall.' In that early stage of spiritual fall, evil desires and emotions and thoughts are exchanged between two people. How must this be understood? If a person near to you is for example angry in a bad way, you could pick up his or her emotions. Such emotions, which can be of many different kinds, are brought to you in the form of energy. If you don't keep your heart and mind centered on God in such a situation, you might become influenced by these emotions. If these emotions are wrong, not centered on God, you already are engaging in the first stage of spiritual fall.
In further stages such type of fall can develop until a sort of spiritual completion of the spiritual fall.
In case that an evil spirit attacks you from the spiritual world, either by accusations or temptations, you can come under influence. This is why we always need to be aware of the spiritual atmosphere and the spiritual entities around us. You don't need to be able to see spirits or speak to them to come under the influence of emotions and love of spirits. Always when such love, desire and emotions are not centered on God, there is the danger for the beginning of a spiritual fall.
In the completion of the spiritual fall between the evil archangel and Eve, there was a full union of the spirit bodies.
The physical fall
When we understand how the spiritual fall works, we realize that each physical fall also always is a spiritual fall. When two bodies touch each other in unwanted sexual behavior, in those bodies there are spirits. There cannot be physical fall without a spiritual aspect.
This means that physical fall doesn't necessarily need to imply full sex. A beginning stage of physical fall can also already take place by holding hands, for example. I am not trying to say that holding hands has to be dangerous. But each physical contact between two people could lead to fall in case there is simultaneously taking place a spiritual fall in whatever stage.
To think that the fall always and only takes place in unwanted sex means to lose your awareness for how fall really takes place, especially in the spiritual sense.
The discovery of Reverend Moon about the fall being a sexually illicit relationship in two stages, spiritual and physical, is a most meaningful one. Yet when we understand what is written above, it is also clear that it is not easy to know how fall really takes place. We need to have deep understanding of the spiritual reality and of how energies of false love and desire can flow between two beings.
There is much danger in the thought that when your marriage has been accepted by God, you could not fall anymore with your spouse.For example, if your spouse has come under influence from evil spirits, you need to keep some spiritual and physical distance until the problem is solved.
Only when you have your personal relationship to God, when you are sure that God in each situation is with you and speaks to you, you can trust yourself to do what is right. You cannot just assume that because Rev. Moon has blessed you, you would be safe.
Notes about the comments nrs. 1, 2, and 3 and 7 below of Christofferwitt
I am publishing his comments for now, not because i agree with him but because i think that what he writes tells something about what has happened to the Unification Church.
There's a lot of spiritual confusion due to inability to deal with the spiritual world.
You may think that this person has nothing to do with the Unification Church, but fact is that he gets revelations about Mr. Moon, from spiritual entities who are both deceiving and confusing and who have to do with the Unification Church.
When you follow Mr. Moon, you have to deal with such a reality and find how to master it, rather than simply rejecting it as pure nonsense.
I replied to each of Christofferwitt's comments. My replies are the comments nrs. 4, 5, 6 & 8.
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The Altar of Abraham
ReplyDeleteRestoring the Sacrifice: the 10 pieces of the Providence of Salvation.
The 7 Horns of the 4 horns of the Altar in the baptism of Fire
To further uncover the significance of the Holy Spirit of the Lord Jehovah in the form of a Dove that came down on Lord Jesus and abode upon him at the Jordan is to reveal that the Nation of Israel entering Cannan was as Adam "symbolically" re-entering Paradise; going over the Jordan dryshod the Nation of Israel was as Adam going over through the "symbolic" Gate through the "barrier" that is the "great river Euphrates"
It is for this reason that he was given the 10 commandments as Adam had only one; for "10 times the Original Indemnity"; but since Israel also received the 3 fold Blessing of God from Balaam we can see at the first 7 altars of Balaam the formation stage "to be fruitful"; as for Eve's first 7 years in Paradise with Adam; the second 7 altars of Balaam at the growth stage "and multiply" for Eve's second 7 years in Paradise; and "subdue the earth and have dominion" as the perfection stage of Eve's final 21 years in Paradise with Adam seen in the last 7 altars of Balaam; which meant that the Blessing was multiplied if Israel kept the Law at "7 times the Original 3 fold Blessing".
That the 12 later Apostles of the Lamb were also baptized in this same Jordan also had tremendous meaning, as each of the 12 therefore stood as a "prince" of Israel as having one of the 12 tribes as his work; to thus bring forth the fruit of each tribe as his own "fruit" or "work" had to do with the fact that Lord Jesus was God's "Fruit"; and the 12 represented "Christ's fruit".
But it was the Child he put in their midst at the Last Judgement that they discovered he would be the one whose throne would manifest the 12 thrones they would sit on at the End; but here we see Arthur as the Son of Man in his Day; and 12 Apostles of the Lamb as 12 good and brave knights on the 12 thrones that represent the 12 hours of the New Day: an Eternal Day, if you will.
The Judge: and the 12 Apostles of the Lamb as the Jury.
But let us attend to the main body of this piece; for here begins the laborious process which comes at even greater length in my book; so here I stick to a bare "skeleton" of what the real issues of Issac and Ishmael and the conception of Rev. Moon in relation to those beliefs held by John the Baptist himself which my Brother John made me aware of in restoring the errors in the Providence that appear in his book "Divine Principle".
((All the subsequent quotes from Rev. Moon's book are from the Black Book; 1973 Edition; which came to me from the hand of Bradford Kent Bufkin: from the hand of Rev. Moon himself.))
Gabriel and Mary; after Zacharias; but before his death
ReplyDeleteWhen Gabriel came to Zacharias and then Mary it was to confirm one miracle to Mary that cause the second miracle to take place; for it is said: "And Mary believed".
As awesome as the two miracles which attended the conceptions of John and then Jesus were in scope these two miracles were like the creation of an earthly pigeon in comparison to a heavenly dove.
John even said that he was earthly and "spoke of the earth" to show that the conception of Jesus was far above his. Thus John stood for the Law itself as in the position of the Pillar of Fire or Covenant of Night as the "Priest"; even as Jesus stood for the Word itself as in the position of the Pillar of Cloud or Covenant of Day as the "Prince".
This is because the conception of John by Zacharias with Elisabeth in comparison to that of Jesus by Jehovah with Mary was like that of a pigeon relation in it's species to that of the more refined appearing dove; and John and Jesus were cousins by blood; although brothers in Spirit. Yet John's family was rich; and of the upper class; while Jesus's family was humble; and of a more menial labor as lower class. This is why the Word came from Jerusalem; and the Law from Zion; as Isaiah had written; for Mary was the "poor" virgin daughter of Jerusalem; and Elisabeth represented the "rich" House of Zion that Gabriel had Mary go to until John was born.
As Lord Jesus said of John the Baptist:
"But they who wear soft clothes are from king's houses" to show John's real status in relation to those he baptized.
The following statement is from a conversation at the Table of the 12 Apostles of the Lamb when they corrected the errors Rev. Moon made in his book "Divine Principle" when John spoke of to me and the others at the Supper of the Great God about the 5 creatures Abraham placed on his Altar to be seperated; which is written of in the third section of the Gospel of Peace called "The Feast of the 12 Fruits from the Tree of Life".
Said John; "As you may recall it was not one dove that was placed on the Altar of Abraham as Mr. Moon has written in his book "Divine Principle": it was a Pigeon for Ishmael and a Dove for Issac. Furthermore it was the she-goat that represented Hagar as Egypt and the heifer which represented Sarah as the Promised Land. The ram represented Abraham himself."
The further explanation I was given is here therefore compared to what Rev. Moon himself wrote; so that the reader might be able to clearly see the correct version as distinct to the convoluted and precarious explanation offered by Rev. Moon.
Reverend's Moon's own explanation of the 10 pieces of the Altar of Abraham and what they symbolized is quite different in his own book's section called "The Symbolic Offering of Abraham" that begins on page 264. Lest people think I am being unfair in using this 1973 edition's version rather than the one's in later print I can only say that the later editions have only amplified all the errors present here. And in restoring things it is best to start where the error begins; scientifically; one might say.
Furthermore let me say that what the reader may glean of this "ilm" or "Science" is where the Design of Providence and the Pattern of Fate touch; yet the true facts must come out to show where and why Rev. Moon veered from the truth; so one can understand the basis of later mistakes that were then made in the remaining pages of Rev. Moon's revolutionary and sublimely visionary work seen in his book "Divine Principle".
Furthermore let me say that what the reader may glean of this "ilm" or "Science" is where the Design of Providence and the Pattern of Fate touch; yet the true facts must come out to show where and why Rev. Moon veered from the truth; so one can understand the basis of later mistakes that were then made in the remaining pages of Rev. Moon's revolutionary and sublimely visionary work seen in his book "Divine Principle".
ReplyDeleteThe Horn of Salvation: the Messenger of Christ
His explanation begins in his book "Divine Principle" on page 265; line ten; to wit;
"The archangel took Eve while Adam and Eve were still in the position of brother and sister in their immaturity, thus forcing all created things, as well as their own children, to be under his dominion. In order for Abraham to set up the condition to restore through indemnity the above mentioned situation, he was deprived by Pharaoh, who symbolized Satan, of his wife Sarah, who was in the position of Abraham's sister. Then he had to take back Sarah, in the position of his wife, together with Lot, symbolizing the whole of mankind, and his wealth, symbolizing the world of creation (Gen. 14:16). Abraham's course thus was the course for Jesus to walk in later days. It was only after Abraham had set up such a condition of indemnity that he could offer the symbolic sacrifice with the dove, the ram and heifer."
Said John; "This is obviously true in itself right up to the very last sentence: and this is exactly where the problem begins for Rev. Moon in attempting to "restore" the real meaning of what the Sacrifice of Abraham at the Altar represented in the Design of Providence; because everything on that Altar represented the members of Abraham's own family. The "she-goat" represented Hagar as Egypt; the "heifer" represented Sarah as the Promised Land; and the "ram" represented Abraham himself. The "pigeon" which Rev. Moon omits symbolized Ishmael; and the "dove" represented Issac."
In cutting these 5 creatures in half Abraham was therefore to restore the Fall itself symbolically; and because Rev. Moon failed in what is written here in presenting the correct interpretation God was kind enough to have His servant John in the Holy Spirt of Truth to show me and perhaps others who might be interested the actual significance of the 10 pieces of the Altar in a more expanded version.
Originally the blood being drained from these 10 pieces the 5 were to be divided into meant dissolving the original sin present in all the blood relationships with the Angel of the Devil with Eve and then with Adam by Eve that were given to their two children.
This was to be done as the way to reverse the nature of the Fall; in which the Order of Creation was reversed by which God was to rule Adam; Adam to rule Eve; and Eve to rule the Serpent. Rev. Moon in his exposition of the Nature of the Fall in his book illustrates this quite clearly; and correctly as self-consistent with the Providence itself up to one point.
This point is that the Fall included the position of the Archangel who God left in charge of the Creation while He rested on the 7th Day; which was unknown to Rev. Moon as he wrote that the Fall took place on the 6th day; which is wrong. That God left the Archangel in charge until He awoke should sound strangely familiar to Rev. Moon; since this is exactly the position the Angel of Christ put him in on earth before he left.
Please comment to the content of the blog instead of writing your book here!
ReplyDeleteI'm publishing your comments not because i agree with the content but in order to fight through the confusion that clouds many who follow Mr. Moon or who are interested in him.
About the symbolic language you are using: One symbol can refer to many different realities. Using metaphors to explain something can be illuminating, but it can just as well be concealing, misleading or deceiving.
@ comment Christofferwitt #2
ReplyDeleteYou seem to be very confused mate!
And you never respond to the content of my blog, instead you're only promoting your own ideas.
@ comment Christofferwitt @3
ReplyDeleteSymbols and images are like the dream world. Dreams can have significance, but you need to pray and then act when you get clear how.
One major reason why people get confused through spiritual influences is when they don't act as they should. Your world of symbolism is like a dream world. There is some truth in it, and there is fantasy. The mix of this doesn't help you or anyone.
It is through this world of dreams and symbolism that evil spirits can invade and control. Their revelations are never just lies, they always are lies mixed with truth, or half-truths. So there is truth in some of what you say, but because there also are so many lies, that isn't going to help you or anybody.
Please accept my apologies; I am merely adding my own observations to yours; of which I feel you have also started to begin to restore what Rev. Moon himself has now almost completely destroyed. the main or 3 Great errors of Rev. Moon can be seen in these 3 areas:
ReplyDeleteThese 3 Great Errors that have caused untold suffering for all humanity; and also blocked the way of redemption that his Work was to be before he was given the 7 fold Reward as of the 7 Churches.
The Great Errors of Rev. Moon's
Book "Divine Principle"
1.) That Lord Jesus did not rise in the flesh when he did indeed rise;
flesh and bone; as even "Doubting Thomas" saw as being "the least in faith" of the 12 Apostle's
2.) That the Holy Spirit is "Female" when the Holy Spirit of God
is Jehovah Himself; saying this being where "Isis" as
"the Mystery of Egypt" invaded; she being
the "beautiful Face of the dragon" that Jezebel wore
when she was thrown down from the high window
from her "ivory tower" of lies.
3.) That Jesus and the Holy Spirit are "Married";
this is where "Sodom" invaded;
and "Sodom" is the tail of the great red dragon which symbolizes "the kingdom of Egypt" itself. This "tail" is then called by the Greeks the "arrow of Cupid" which the Greeks called
"the arrow of Cupid" by which all the gods fell;
but these gods are but the fallen angels of not Cupid:
but Satan the Devil who fell by his seduction
by the daughters of men
upon Baal Hermon;
the Holy Mount of Transfiguration that Greece
they call Olympus; but the 144,00
who stand upon it with the Lamb call
it Mt. Sion and not Mt. Hermon.
This is but a small sample of my writings on this subject; more can be found at httP:// and also at I hope to hear from you again;
In Love;
the Mighty God
"Adding your observations to the subject" is a nicely worded euphemism. The topic is 'the spiritual fall' and you are writing about the three great errors of Moon.
ReplyDeleteThere are many more great errors of Moon than you are refering to. When you continue reading my blog, you will gradually find out what i discovered.
I am not out to just criticize Rev. Moon. Judgment of him needs to be fair. At the end of his life he has gone under, building further on some of the mistakes of his earlier life. Instead of restoring these earlier mistakes, Rev. Moon has forgotten the real God.
Let it be clear that you are not the one restoring his mistakes. Moon thought he were the 'one.' Now you are thinking you will be the 'one.' In many ways you are just the same as he. Because you received some revelations doesn't mean that you are the 'one.'
Nobody is the 'one.' Each person needs to go to God and be what he or she is for God.